Welcome to the (re-vamped) Historic America Journal!

America is in the midst of historic times. It’s exhausting. It’s isolating. 

Here at Historic America we miss leading multi-sensory tours of national heritage sites. We miss sharing the American story in person. We’ve also come to realize that the current distance between American citizens is more than simply spacial - it’s also (in a sense) spiritual.    

Our goal at Historic America has alway been to connect our guests with America’s history through dynamic storytelling; and if ever there was time to reconnect around our shared past, it is this moment.

Nothing is better than a good story, well told.

Nothing is better than a good story, well told.

The events of the past year have shown us that our history is no distant memory. As James Baldwin said, “the great force of history comes from the fact that we carry it within us, are unconsciously controlled by it in many ways, and history is literally present in all that we do.” 

Throughout these months of isolation, we’ve furthered our mission by building a unique library of digital content. First came the podcast - A Place in Time. Then came the YouTube series - Dead, White & Blue

Now comes the Historic America Journal

Brought to life by the passion & skill of our new team of Historic America interns (get back to work you joyful nerds!), the Journal is our newest venue for American storytelling; in depth articles, fascinating interviews, entertaining reviews, behind-the-scenes features and so much more. 

With each post, we aim to share a portion of the American story with you - a story where some chapters are well known and others are well loved. Some chapters are difficult while others have faded from our memory, and still others have been too long neglected. 

We want to share them all with you. History has a great deal to teach us if we are willing to learn. Plus it’s fascinating and fun! Especially American history. 

So let's come together once again and hear the story - a story about a good nation with good people. A story that is uplifting, heartbreaking, challenging and affirming. A story held together by mystic chords of memory that connect us all.   

It’s America’s story! And it’s the story we love best.

Learn even more history with us:


WATCH OUR VIDEO SERIES: Dead, White, and Blue

BROWSE OUR TOURS: Multi-Sensory Tour Options